Gold Coast Painting Specialists

House Painters Benowa

Repaint Pro - Painters Gold Coast

Welcome To Repaint Pro

House Painters Benowa

House Painters Benowa Interior and Exterior House Painting Specialists.

At repaintpro we specialize in house painting in Benowa, Molendinar and surrounding suburbs. We started way back in the 80’s with Sunland homes in Benowa waters and continued working on new homes in the area right through into the 90’s.  If your after a local painter in benowa give us a call, We live locally on the Gold Coast and provide professional service. 100% guarantee with no deposit and we can work to your timeline.

  • No deposit
  • Trustworthy staff
  • Free same day quotes
  • Small or large jobs
  • Best quality paints available
  • We work within your time frames
  • 20 years experience in residential painting
  • Payment on completion

Your Timeline

We are one of the most experienced and trusted painters in Gold Coast. Thanks to our family run reputation and skilled and knowledgeable team of painters. Today, we can confidently say that we can handle painting project of any size and complexity skillfully. Whether you are looking for a simple whitewash for your new home or you are considering giving your old home a new look by including appealing textures and catchy finishes, Repaint Pro is the team of best interior and exterior painters in Benowa as well as all of Gold Coast.

We are skilled in a number of painting techniques and provide comprehensive painting services. So, you don’t have to worry about hiring a different team of contractors for a different job, like surface preparation or door and window painting or deck painting or if you have a particular type of flooring, ceiling or wall like textured ceilings, block and brick walls etc. Our teams of interior and exterior painters provide comprehensive painting services which also includes the surface preparation. We believe surface preparation is an important part of painting job and is must to achieve great finish and smoothness.

We provide free no-obligatory quote and would love to discuss your painting project with you. So, feel free to give us a call.

Serving the following suburbs and surrounding areas.

Ashmore, Molendinar, Benowa, Benowa Waters, Southport, Cararra

Gold Coast Roof Painting and Restorations Company


Our Painting Services

At Repaint Pro, we guarantee efficient high quality service and ensure that all job sites are left clean and tidy with all rubbish removed and every house painter correctly uniformed. We are best and work hard to build and maintain customer relationships.

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Repaint Pro Benowa

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We are ready to quote your painting project today!