Gold Coast Painting Specialists

Making a Statement With Wall Paint: The World of Accent Walls

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Making a Statement With Wall Paint: The World of Accent Walls

Statement With Wall Paint

There are lot many ways to add an attractive looking shade and hue to the walls of your house. Before you decide to give your home a new shade of paint, always look for the options that you have. Accent walls are the ideal solution to accomplish all stylish painting goals that you have in your mind and you could add up bold features to your living room and bedroom that will bring personality and style into your humble abode.

Accent walls give you an option to add the shade of colours without being too overwhelming and they help you create painting lines that enhances the natural focal point of the house. To make the best of house painting benefits, it is always recommended that you call in the professional painters and get the idea about the choices you have, they not only suggest you the best shades, but they also get the painting of the house done on time. Here are some of the advantages of using the accent painting in your house.

Bold and Bright

If you have always wanted to use the bold and bright shades of colours on the walls without getting too loud in the process, then the accents on the walls are the best way to do it. There are many house painting benefits and if you are going to use them in a right and proper way, then you could make a statement. Accent inserts helps you create a visual space in the room that leaves enough space for the light to get reflected easily. This makes the room appear roomier and brighter. If you are little confused in which shade to go for, then you can always take the help of house painting professional for the same.

Soft and subtle

It is not necessary that you have to go for bold and brighter shades as you also have an option to select many subtle shades for the rooms of the house. Select a hue that is only a few shades darker than the wall paint as it will help you to strike a perfect balance between the themes you already have in your house.


Too dated wallpaper can make the house look really dull. There are many options of wallpaper readily available and you could use them in your home decorating by using a modern geometric print or a soft floral design inserts. Wallpapers are the best way to add a subtle yet attractive design clues in your house.

Stripes and Stencils

If you are looking for slightly different way to adorn the walls of the house then you could go for the stripes and stencils options. Be sure to call up a professional as trying to add up the design on your own may result in imperfect lines and results.

Picture of Stephen Lockyer

Stephen Lockyer

Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.

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