Gold Coast Painting Specialists


Repaint Pro - Painters Gold Coast

Need a Painter for a day Gold Coast

Painter for a day assistance

Over the last 4 days we have been helping a lovely lady that had started a painting project at home. After doing one toilet and half a bedroom she decided she needed some professional painting help. She rang us using our painter for a day scheme. Upon arrival to help

Colorful Painting Solutions Gold Coast

Choosing a Colour Scheme For the Gold Coast.

How to make the right colour choices for your home. The first step is to help familiarize yourselves with the colour ranges and hues available. A great resource to start with is using paint shops like Bristol/Taubmans at Nerang or Inspirations Paint and Colour. You will be able to access

High Pressure Cleaning Service Gold Coast

Going Green and why should we do it

What is Low VOC Paint? When it comes to the painting the inside of their homes, homeowners are often preoccupied with picking out the perfect color and finish for each room. Something to keep in mind while doing this, however, is the number of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) the paint

Best Paint Gold Coast

Resene Paints why we use their products?

For our customers past and future I have written an article on why we choose the paint that we do for your home. Truth is, you pay for the paint in your quote, so we provide the best quality paint that we have found on the market. From Dulux 101