Gold Coast Painting Specialists

Washing Interior Walls

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Exterior House Painting Contractors Gold Coast

Washing Interior Walls

If you are looking just to wash down general wall areas,

Finger marks around power switches, dirty external angles, exposed wall that build up traffic dirt then this is for you….

Most interior low sheen paints will “wash clean”. Sure manufactures say their paint is washable, however great care need to be taken not to gloss or burnish the surface.
The last article looked at cleaning dirty marks……

This is just how to give your walls a wash down. Maybe you’re a tenant looking to clean for inspection or “make good” order is on the property.

Just remember, use white rags or kitchen paper towel. Have a bucket of warm water and a towel to place on the floor. Just add a small amount of sugar soap to the water and wipe all the wall evenly and without too much pressure. You will be shocked at how much better your walls will look.

Steve Lockyer
040 33 111 25

Picture of Stephen Lockyer

Stephen Lockyer

Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.

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