Gold Coast Painting Specialists

Exterior Painting to Residential Houses

Repaint Pro - Painters Gold Coast

Residential Houses Exterior Painting Company Gold Coast

Exterior Painting to Residential Houses

At repaintpro, no matter how big or small your paint job we always use the same process materials and paint. The outside of this Sea front home was high pressure cleaned and given two coats of Taubmans Endure low sheen.

Every external crack and window was no more gaped to prevent water ingress.

The back of this house even had us using scaffold into their swimming pool so we could access the higher areas.

Prevention is better than cure and these owners are extremely particular with maintenance and only want the best paint products to provide them with the maximum amount of protection.

Safety is always paramount so toolbox meetings are held daily with staff to assess risk.

Painters Robina

Picture of Stephen Lockyer

Stephen Lockyer

Professional painters and Decorators on the Gold Coast. Serving all your interior and exterior painting needs.

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